


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the position of [Position] at [Company]. I recently graduated from [University] with a [Degree] in [Major]. During my time at university, I encountered some academic challenges that resulted in a few failed courses. However, I have taken steps to address these issues and I would like to explain how I have learned from my mistakes and improved as a student.

Firstly, I realized that my study habits needed improvement. I often procrastinated and did not manage my time effectively. To address this, I created a study schedule and set aside dedicated time for each course. I also sought out resources such as study groups and tutoring services to help me better understand difficult concepts.

Secondly, I recognized that I was not taking advantage of the resources available to me. I did not attend office hours or seek help from professors when I struggled with course material. To address this, I made an effort to attend office hours and ask questions during lectures. I also reached out to professors to discuss topics I was struggling with.

Finally, I acknowledged that my mindset needed to change. I had a negative attitude towards my academic abilities and did not believe that I could improve. To address this, I started practicing positive self-talk and reframing my thoughts. I also sought out motivational resources such as books and podcasts.

I believe that these experiences have helped me become a more resilient and self-aware individual. I am confident that I can apply these skills to the position at [Company] and contribute to the success of the team. Thank you for considering my application.


[Your Name]

