


Sample Report on Internet Cafe Interview


The purpose of this report is to summarize the interview I conducted with a candidate for the position of Internet Cafe Manager. The interview took place on [date] and lasted for [time] minutes. The candidate's name is [name], and he/she has [number] years of experience in the industry.


During the interview, I asked [name] about his/her qualifications for the position. He/she mentioned several key skills and experiences, including:

1. Management experience: [name] has previously managed a similar business and has experience in overseeing staff, maintaining equipment and facilities, and managing finances.

2. Customer service skills: [name] emphasized his/her ability to provide excellent customer service, including dealing with difficult customers and resolving complaints.

3. Technical knowledge: [name] has a strong understanding of computer hardware and software, and is able to troubleshoot technical issues that may arise in the cafe.

4. Marketing and promotion: [name] has experience in developing marketing strategies and promoting the cafe to potential customers through social media and other channels.

5. Time management: [name] is able to prioritize tasks and manage his/her time effectively to ensure that the cafe runs smoothly and efficiently.

Interview Questions

I asked [name] several questions to assess his/her suitability for the position. Some of the questions and responses are summarized below:

1. What experience do you have in managing an Internet cafe? [name] discussed his/her previous experience managing a similar business and highlighted some of the challenges and successes he/she encountered.

2. How do you handle difficult customers? [name] explained his/her approach to dealing with upset or angry customers, including listening to their concerns, apologizing if necessary, and finding a solution to their problem.

3. How do you ensure that the cafe is clean and well-maintained? [name] discussed his/her system for cleaning and organizing the cafe, as well as his/her approach to maintaining equipment and facilities.

4. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest technology and trends in the industry? [name] explained his/her methods for staying informed about new products and services, attending industry conferences and events, and networking with colleagues.


Based on the interview, I believe that [name] would be an excellent candidate for the position of Internet Cafe Manager. He/she has the necessary skills and experience to effectively manage the cafe, provide excellent customer service, and promote the business to potential customers. I recommend that the hiring manager seriously consider [name] for the position.

