


Reading Reflection on "How to Write a Reading Summary"

As a student, reading is an integral part of my daily routine. I often read academic papers, articles, and books to improve my knowledge and understanding of different subjects. However, I realized that summarizing my reading materials is equally important as reading them. It helps me to retain the information and apply it in my academic work. Therefore, I found the article "How to Write a Reading Summary" by Kori Morgan very informative and useful.

The article starts by defining a reading summary as a concise description of the main points and ideas presented in a reading material. It emphasizes the importance of reading the material thoroughly and taking notes while reading. The author suggests that the summary should be written in chronological order, starting with the introduction and ending with the conclusion. The summary should also include the author's main argument, supporting evidence, and any significant findings.

The article also provides tips on how to write an effective reading summary. It advises the readers to avoid using personal opinions and focus on the author's ideas. The summary should be written in the third person and use present tense. Using direct quotes from the reading material can also improve the summary's credibility and accuracy.

After reading this article, I realized that my previous reading summaries were lacking in structure and clarity. I often wrote lengthy summaries that included irrelevant details and personal opinions. However, the tips provided in this article helped me to improve my summarizing skills. I now take notes while reading and organize them into a logical structure. I also avoid using personal opinions and focus on the author's ideas.

In conclusion, "How to Write a Reading Summary" by Kori Morgan is an excellent guide for students and professionals who want to improve their summarizing skills. It provides practical tips and examples that can be applied in different academic fields. By following the tips provided in this article, I was able to write more concise and clear reading summaries that helped me to retain the information and apply it in my academic work.

