


Dear HR Manager,

I am writing this report to request a salary adjustment for my current position. After careful consideration and analysis of my job responsibilities and market trends, I believe that my current salary no longer reflects my contributions and skills.

Firstly, I have taken on additional responsibilities beyond my original job description. I have successfully completed several projects that were not initially assigned to me, and have consistently delivered high-quality work. These accomplishments have led to increased workload and responsibility, and I believe that my salary should reflect this increased level of contribution.

Secondly, I have conducted research on the current market trends for my position, and have found that the average salary for similar roles in the industry is significantly higher than what I am currently earning. This shows that my current salary is not aligned with the market rate for my position.

Lastly, I have consistently received positive feedback from my colleagues and superiors on my performance and contributions to the company. I have exceeded expectations in my job duties and have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic.

In conclusion, I respectfully request a salary adjustment that reflects my increased contributions, aligns with market trends, and recognizes my achievements and positive performance. I am confident that this adjustment will not only benefit me, but also contribute to the overall success of the company.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

