


Dear Housing Committee,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for on-campus housing for the upcoming academic year. As a dedicated and responsible student, I believe that living on campus would provide me with the ideal environment to succeed academically and personally.

I would like to begin by providing some background information about myself. I am currently a sophomore majoring in Business Administration and have maintained a GPA of 3.8. I am actively involved in several extracurricular activities, including the student government association and the business club. Additionally, I have previous experience living on campus during my freshman year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

During my previous year living on campus, I learned how to balance my academic responsibilities with my social life and extracurricular activities. I also developed strong time management and communication skills, which are essential for success in college and beyond. Furthermore, I was able to form lasting friendships with my fellow residents and felt a strong sense of community within the dormitory.

If granted on-campus housing, I am committed to being a respectful and responsible member of the community. I understand the importance of following dormitory rules and regulations and will do my best to ensure that all residents feel safe and comfortable in their living environment. I am also willing to actively participate in dormitory events and activities, as well as contribute to the maintenance and cleanliness of the facilities.

In conclusion, I believe that on-campus housing would be the ideal living arrangement for me during the upcoming academic year. I am confident that my previous experience living on campus, as well as my dedication to academic and personal success, make me a strong candidate for on-campus housing. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of the campus community once again.


[Your Name]

