


Dear Principal,

I am writing to request that my child be considered for grade acceleration. After careful consideration and consultation with my child's teachers and counselors, we believe that this is the best course of action for their academic development.

My child has consistently demonstrated exceptional academic ability and has consistently achieved high grades. They have displayed a strong work ethic and a passion for learning, often going above and beyond what is required in class. In addition, they have excelled in extracurricular activities and have received numerous awards for their accomplishments.

During our recent meeting with the school's guidance counselor, we discussed the possibility of accelerating our child's academic progression. After reviewing their academic record and discussing their performance with their teachers, we feel that this would be a suitable option for our child.

In preparation for this request, my child has undergone a comprehensive evaluation to determine their readiness for a higher grade level. The evaluation included a review of their academic record, standardized test scores, and a meeting with the school psychologist. The results of this evaluation demonstrate that my child is intellectually and emotionally prepared for the challenges of a higher grade level.

If our request is granted, we understand that our child will need to adapt to a new academic environment and we are committed to providing any necessary support to ensure their success. We are confident that this opportunity will provide our child with the challenge and stimulation that they need to continue to excel academically.

Thank you for your consideration of our request. We appreciate your time and attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

