


Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for an online makeup exam for the course [insert course name]. I was unable to attend the original exam due to unforeseen circumstances, and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to make up for it.

To provide some background, I am currently a [insert current academic standing, e.g. sophomore] at [insert university name], majoring in [insert major]. I have maintained a [insert GPA] and have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and dedication to my studies.

In terms of the makeup exam itself, I understand that it will be conducted online. I am comfortable with using online platforms and have experience taking exams in a remote setting. I will ensure that I have a stable internet connection and a quiet, distraction-free environment to take the exam in.

Furthermore, I am willing to comply with any additional requirements or procedures that may be necessary for the makeup exam, such as using a proctoring service or submitting additional documentation.

I would be grateful for the opportunity to make up the exam and demonstrate my understanding of the course material. Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

