


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for financial assistance to help me and my family recover from the recent flood that has caused severe damage to our property and livelihood.

On [date], heavy rainfall caused the river near our home to overflow, resulting in flooding that submerged our entire ground floor. The floodwater damaged our furniture, electronic appliances, and other valuables, and left our home uninhabitable for almost a week. We were forced to seek temporary shelter with our relatives, which has caused significant inconvenience and added to our financial burden.

In addition to the damage to our home, the flood also destroyed our crops and livestock, which were our primary source of income. We estimate our total losses to be [amount], which we cannot afford to cover on our own. Therefore, we are seeking financial assistance from your organization to help us rebuild our home and livelihood.

Enclosed, please find the necessary documents to support our application, including photographs of the damage, receipts for repairs and replacements, and other relevant information. We would be grateful if you could review our application and provide us with any assistance that you can.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

