


Dear [员工姓名],

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my critique of your work. I appreciate your willingness to address the issues I raised and your commitment to improving your performance.

I would like to provide some additional feedback on your work and offer some suggestions for improvement.

First, I noticed that your communication with team members could be more effective. While you are responsive to emails and messages, your tone can sometimes come across as curt or dismissive. It’s important to remember that effective communication is not just about conveying information, but also about building relationships and fostering a positive team dynamic.

To improve in this area, I recommend taking a moment to pause before responding to messages and emails. Consider how your tone might be perceived by the recipient and make an effort to be more personable and empathetic in your communication.

Second, I noticed that you sometimes struggle with time management and meeting deadlines. While I understand that unexpected issues can arise, it is important to communicate proactively with your team when you anticipate needing more time to complete a task. This will not only help manage expectations, but also demonstrate your commitment to the team’s success.

To improve in this area, I recommend setting realistic deadlines for yourself and communicating those deadlines to your team. Consider using a task management tool or other software to help you stay on track and prioritize your tasks more effectively.

Overall, I believe that you have the potential to be a valuable team member and contribute to the success of our organization. I encourage you to take the feedback I have provided and use it as a springboard for growth and development.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.



