


Sample Paper: How to Write an Essay on Objects

Objects have always been an integral part of human society, serving as tools, symbols, and expressions of culture. Writing an essay on objects requires a keen understanding of their historical, cultural, and symbolic significance. In this paper, I will outline the steps for writing a compelling essay on objects, using examples from my own research on the cultural significance of the Japanese tea ceremony.

Step 1: Choose an Object

The first step in writing an essay on objects is to choose an object that is relevant to your topic. This could be anything from a tool or artifact to a work of art or cultural symbol. In my research on the tea ceremony, I chose the chawan (tea bowl) as my object of study, as it is central to the ritual and has a rich cultural history.

Step 2: Research the Object

Once you have chosen your object, it is important to research its history, cultural significance, and symbolism. This will help you contextualize the object within its cultural and historical context. In my research on the chawan, I explored its use in the tea ceremony, its aesthetic qualities, and its symbolism in Japanese culture.

Step 3: Analyze the Object

After conducting research on the object, it is important to analyze its significance and meaning. This involves exploring its cultural, historical, and symbolic contexts, as well as its material qualities and aesthetic characteristics. In my analysis of the chawan, I focused on its role in the tea ceremony as a symbol of harmony, purity, and respect, as well as its unique glaze and form.

Step 4: Contextualize the Object

Once you have analyzed the object, it is important to contextualize it within its broader cultural and historical context. This involves exploring its relationship to other objects, practices, and cultural ideologies. In my research on the chawan, I contextualized it within the broader history of the tea ceremony, as well as its relationship to Zen Buddhism and Japanese aesthetics.

Step 5: Draw Conclusions

Finally, it is important to draw conclusions based on your research, analysis, and contextualization of the object. This involves synthesizing your findings and presenting a compelling argument about the object's cultural, historical, and symbolic significance. In my essay on the chawan, I argued that it serves as a powerful symbol of Japanese cultural values, such as harmony, simplicity, and respect, and that its aesthetic qualities reflect the unique cultural and historical context of the tea ceremony.

Personal Interview Projects:

During my previous interviews, I have had the opportunity to discuss several projects that reflect my knowledge and skills in writing about objects. For example, I discussed my research on the history and cultural significance of traditional Chinese pottery, which involved choosing several objects and exploring their symbolism and aesthetic qualities. I also discussed my work on a project about the cultural significance of the Japanese kimono, which involved analyzing its historical and symbolic contexts, as well as its relationship to other cultural practices and ideologies. Overall, my experience in writing about objects has given me a deep appreciation for their cultural and historical significance, as well as the importance of contextualizing them within their broader social and cultural contexts.

